2011年8月27日 星期六

8月25-26日 - 組合拳!

基本上呢2日都係趁高沽期指, 700終於再開倉, 大市星期5尾市再收DAY LOW等
BERNANKE出聲言, 呢排D市況真係唔可以一面倒, 要攻中有守, 守中有攻的組合拳先係王道.
BUY AND HOLD 價值投資係我既狗股倉的王王道...哈哈!
所以700開倉後, 跟手SC番19200P 118點沽番, 呢套倉渣到30號算了.

HSF SettlementShort HsfSC 19200PUnitProfit/Loss
Case 1: =1920050011850$30,900
Case 2: =19700011850$5,900
Case 3: =20000-30011850-$9,100
Case 4: =20400-70011850-$29,100

BERNANKE又拖住黎玩, 好似黃子華TALK SHOW話"呢個消息已經消化晒".
好既, 慢慢拖個IV冇咁高.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced no new economic stimulus measures during his speech at a conference of central bank governors in Wyoming, but left open the possibility of more action by the Fed if another downturn looks likely. Keith Crane has more.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke told a gathering of central bankers from around the globe that the US economy's recovery has been much less robust than expected.
But Bernanke stopped short of signaling further monetary policy action, such as stimulus measures, to bolster the ailing economy.
And, he spoke optimistically about the long-term prospects for the economy.
The Commerce Department said Friday, Gross domestic product rose at an annual rate of 1 percent, as restocking by businesses and growth in exports proved less rapid than initially estimated.
The rate of growth between April and June was cut from the government's first reading of 1.3 percent and followed a measly pace of just 0.4 percent in the first three months of the year.
This means the economy grew only 0.7 percent in the first half of 2011. Nonetheless, and despite a sharp fall in consumer confidence this month, economists do not believe the economy will fall back into another recession.
Many investors were disappointed that the Fed chairman didn't offer steps to shore up the fragile economic recovery. Bernanke says the extra time is needed for a fuller discussion of the "range of tools that could be used to provide additional monetary stimulus."
He also notes the Federal Reserve will consider what more it could do to fight high unemployment.
Bernanke reveals the central bank's policy panel would meet for two days in September instead of the usual one to discuss what more may need to be done.
(Source: cntv.cn)
趁金價回落買入零售股龍頭 #590六福 $36.3
